May 16, 20171 min read
Understanding ADA: A Guide for Small Developers
We recently had the pleasure of presenting some of our latest research on the Americans with Disabilities Act at CNU in Seattle. The ADA...

May 11, 20175 min read
So You’re Running for Office…
Dignified Missing Middle housing and single family housing coexisting peacefully in Candler Park, Atlanta, a stone’s throw from a...

Sep 26, 20165 min read
On Selling Missing Middle Housing to Communities
The Candler Park neighborhood in Atlanta features a popular one-block commercial node surrounded by mostly pre-WWII residential...

Mar 21, 20161 min read
Urban redevelopment is our bread and butter at KWA, and we’ve come to understand that attempting to renovate a building built 50-100...

Sep 24, 20154 min read
In Praise of the Existing Building Code
KWA recently helped convert this historic church rectory into an extension for the Ecole Bilingue in New Orleans. Without the flexibility...

Jul 7, 201513 min read
Read: Richard Willson, “Case against Minimum Parking Requirements”
In a recent post, we referenced Richard Willson’s book Parking Reform Made Easy, specifically the second chapter, “Case against Minimum...